Monday, November 12, 2012

'Twilight' Fans Camp Out for 'Breaking Dawn — Part 2' Premiere

An estimated 1,500 people gathered outside of L.A.'s Nokia Theatre ahead of Monday's screening.


Stacey Buckley of Bournemouth, England, decided last year that she had to be in Los Angeles for the premiere of the final Twilight film.

She saved her money, rounded up some other local Twi-Hards she met online and booked a ticket for the U.S., where she'll spend four nights camping out in front of the Nokia Theatre with some 1,500 other Twilight fans.
VIDEO: Kristen Stewart on 'Snow White and the Huntsman' Sequel: 'There's a Strong Possibility'
"My brother says I need to see a shrink," said the 29-year-old, who wore tiny Union Jack flags in her hair like antennae. "This is the last one, so I said, 'Let's do it in style.'"
Fans of the vampire-romance series registered online for a chance to spend the

Taylor Lautner reacts to early 'Breaking Dawn - Part 2' fan camping on 'Today'


Today, Taylor Lautner is following in the footsteps of this The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 co-stars Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson by hitting the promotional circuit in support of the film, and for his first stop, he dropped in to


Pengertian Eknomi Syariah
Ekonomi syariah atau ekonomi Islam itu merupakan system ekonomi yang di dasarkan pada ajaran-ajaran islam yang bersumber dari Al-Qur’an,hadist,ijma,dan qiyas. Ekonomi Syariah merupakan ilmu pengetahuan sosial yang mempelajari masalah-masalah ekonomi rakyat yang dilhami oleh nilai-nilai Islam. Ekonomi syariah atau sistim ekonomi koperasi berbeda dari kapitalisme, sosialisme, maupun negara kesejahteraan (Welfare State). Berbeda dari kapitalisme karena Islam menentang eksploitasi oleh pemilik modal terhadap buruh yang miskin, dan melarang penumpukan kekayaan. Selain itu, ekonomi dalam kaca mata Islam merupakan tuntutan kehidupan sekaligus anjuran yang memiliki dimensi ibadah.
Manfaat Ekonomi Syariah di Perbankkan Indonesia
Di tengah-tengah sistem ekonomi kapitalis, sosialisme, dan komunisme, ekonomi islam hadir sebagai sitem ekonomi terbaik untuk menggantikan itu. Selain itu mensejahterakan seluruh masyarakat luas, memberikan rasa adil, tentram, kebersamaan serta kekeluargaan serta mampu memberikan kesempatan seluas-luasnya kepada setiap pelaku usaha.
Perkembangan Ekonomi Syariah di Indonesia
Perkembangannya cukup pesat untuk di Indonesia, karna memang ekonomi islam sangat menguntungkan bagi masyarakat. Perkembangan sistem ekonomi syariah di indonesia sendiri belum sebegitu pesat seperti di negara-negara lain, Secara sederhana, perkembangan itu dikelompokkan menjadi perkembangan industri keuangan syariah dan perkembangan ekonomi syariah non keuangan. Industri keuangan syariah relatif dapat dilihat dan diukur perkembangannya melalui data-data keuangan yang ada, sedangkan yang non keuangan perlu penelitian yang lebih dalam untuk mengetahuinya.
Di sektor perbankan, hingga saat ini sudah ada tiga Bank Umum Syariah (BUS), 21 unit usaha syariah bank konvensional, 528 kantor cabang (termasuk Kantor Cabang Pembantu (KCP), Unit Pelayanan

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Indonesia, Iran in Agreement on Syria

Made Arya Kencana | November 10, 2012

Nusa Dua, Bali. The leaders of Indonesia and Iran on Friday spoke out against foreign intervention in settling the bloody two-year civil conflict in Syria.

In a statement following a bilateral meeting between Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and his Iranian counterpart Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at the Bali Democracy Forum, the two heads of state agreed that the resolution to the conflict should rest with Syrians themselves.

“The two countries agreed that the political process in Syria must rest in the hands of the Syrian people, and the international community should provide room for that,” Yudhoyono said.

Neither leader mentioned the weapons reportedly being supplied to

No shortage of economic challenges facing Obama

Special to The Seattle Times

The best economic news coming out of the election is that, unlike four years ago, the world is not on the brink of a second Great Depression. This is no small thing.
Indeed, the U.S. recovery has been looking more solid in recent months, averting the stall speed it faced last summer. Coming back from a recession caused by a banking crisis takes